Neuroception is how the nervous system automatically responds to environmental changes.

JUL 26, 2024
Neuroception is the automatic function of the nervous system to detect and respond to changes in the environment. It is a subconscious process that occurs outside of our conscious awareness.
The nervous system is constantly monitoring the environment for changes that could potentially be harmful. This process is known as threat detection. When the nervous system detects a potential threat, it triggers a series of responses that help us to avoid or escape the threat.
Threat Detection
The first step in threat detection is known as sensory input. This is when the body’s senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste) collect information about the environment. This information is then sent to the brain where it is processed.
If the brain determines that there is a potential threat, it will activate the fight-or-flight response. This is a survival mechanism that prepares the body to either fight the threat or flee from it.
The Amygdala
The fight-or-flight response is controlled by the amygdala. This is a small, almond-shaped structure located in the brain. The amygdala is responsible for processing strong emotions, such as fear and anxiety.
When the amygdala is activated, it triggers a series of changes in the body. These changes include an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. The body also releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones prepare the body for action.
The Fight-Or-Flight Response
The fight-or-flight response is a survival mechanism that has evolved over time. It is designed to help us avoid or escape dangerous situations. However, it can also be triggered in response to non-threatening situations, such as when we are startled by a loud noise.
In some cases, the fight-or-flight response can lead to anxiety and panic. This can happen when the body perceives a threat that is not actually present. It can also occur when the response is out of proportion to the actual threat.
Anxiety and panic are not harmful in and of themselves. However, they can be disruptive to our lives. This is why nervous system regulation is so important: it helps to ensure that the fight-or-flight response is only activated when there is a real threat.
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About The Author
Andrew is Co-CEO at NEUROFIT, and a Caltech graduate with 10 years of tech + product experience touching millions of lives at NASA, Snapchat, Headspace, Yale's Center For Emotional Intelligence, and his own wellness startups.
After facing two decades of chronic stress, burnout and C-PSTD, he launched NEUROFIT to provide an effective, data-driven, and accessible solution to these challenges.
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