Creating an Environment of Safety for Your Nervous System


Thanks to neuroception (an automatic neural process that scans for threats and dangers in our surroundings), our environment plays a key role in staying balanced and regulated. Let’s explore some of the ways in which our environment can signal safety to the nervous system…

Why Environment Matters

By becoming more aware of the environment around us, we can not only identify any potential issues or threats, but build a greater window of tolerance to life’s stressful events and experiences.

For the purposes of this article, your environment includes:

  • your home

  • your workplace

  • your city and suburb

  • places you visit frequently

What is Neuroception?

Your nervous system is constantly monitoring the environment for changes that could potentially be harmful or pose a threat. This automatic function to detect changes in the environment is called neuroception and it is a subconscious process that occurs outside of our conscious awareness.

When the nervous system detects a potential threat, it triggers a series of responses to help us remain safe. After information is collected through sensory details (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste), it is sent to the brain to be processed and your nervous system will respond by shifting into a defensive fight-or-flight (Sympathetic State) or freeze response (Dorsal Vagal State).

Signs Your Nervous System Feels Unsafe can include:

  • Increased heart rate

  • Shallow breathing

  • Muscle tension

  • Sweating

  • Nausea or upset stomach

  • Trembling or shivering

  • Change in skin tone (flushed or pale skin)

  • Goosebumps on your skin

These signs can be for obvious reasons and emergent threats, but it’s important to understand that they can be subtle indicators of someone or something in our environment that needs to be assessed. Symptoms may also start out gradually and progress further the longer we allow ourselves to stay in an unsupportive environment.

Creating a Safe Environment

Without a sense of safety, your nervous system will be stuck in a state of dysregulation. This causes a disconnect from the energy of play, love, peace, and calm that optimizes your well-being. 

When you notice yourself shifting into a state of anxiety or freeze response, the best thing you can do is take an “environmental audit.” Keeping in mind where you spend your time, the following questions include key components to creating balance and perceived safety.

Conduct an Environmental Audit

Audit your environment by asking the following questions:

Is my environment aesthetically pleasing?

Is it clean, free of clutter, unpleasant smells or toxins?

Does my environment provide ample space for rest and recovery?

Is there space to relax, rest, take breaks when needed?

Do I feel safe to express my needs and are they being met?

Are you feeling supported emotionally, mentally, even physically?

Does my environment support creativity and give way for expansion?

Is there flexibility and room for growth?

Do I feel my environment aligns with my personal values and beliefs?

Most often, if one area of our environment (work, home, or even our current city) is not meeting our needs of comfort and safety, it will overshadow all the others. It’s vital to our overall well-being that we take the steps to create a more supportive environment when necessary.

Using the questions above, identifying any “triggers” to your internal environment, and getting to the root cause of any negative or underlying beliefs that are keeping you from the peace and fulfillment you deserve will greatly improve the balance and resiliency of your nervous system.

Get Started with NEUROFIT

To start your nervous system protocol and get CLEAR on any life aspect that pertains to your nervous system health, download the NEUROFIT app today.


The Root Causes of Nervous System Dysregulation


Understanding the Fight-or-Flight Stress Response