The Root Causes of Nervous System Dysregulation

The human nervous system is wonderfully complex. It controls everything from our heartbeat to our brain function, ensuring that we can interact with and respond to our environment. But what happens when this system goes awry? Let’s explore some of the possible causes of nervous system dysregulation.

Nervous System Dysregulation: The Causes 

Nervous system dysregulation occurs when the autonomic nervous system becomes imbalanced. This imbalance can lead to a hyper-aroused (fight-or-flight or Sympathetic state) or hypo-aroused (freeze or Dorsal Vagal) state. 


A dysregulated nervous system can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some of the primary causes:

1 - Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is one of the most common causes of a dysregulated nervous system. When your body is continually exposed to stress, your nervous system stays in a state of high alert. Over time, an overactive stress response can result in hyper-vigilance and overwhelm. 

Additionally, the way individuals perceive and manage their stress plays a critical role. For instance, poor coping strategies or maladaptive beliefs can amplify the body’s stress response.

2 - Trauma

Both physical and emotional traumas that haven't been resolved can lead to nervous system dysregulation. This includes events like accidents, surgeries, abuse, or witnessing distressing events.

3 - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Negative experiences during childhood, such as neglect, physical or emotional abuse, or living with a family member who has mental health or substance use issues, can impact the development of the nervous system and cause dysregulation.

Moreover, adverse childhood experiences or unresolved emotional traumas can cause the nervous system to be stuck in a state of hyperarousal or hypoarousal, leading to dysregulation.

4 - Genetics

Genetic factors can predispose individuals to a dysregulated nervous system. Certain gene variations can make people more susceptible to stress and anxiety, contributing to nervous system dysregulation.

5 - Lifestyle Factors

Poor diet, lack of physical activity, and inadequate sleep can disrupt the normal functioning of your nervous system. In particular, stimulants like caffeine and alcohol, as well as certain medications, can overstimulate the nervous system and lead to dysregulation.

6 - Underlying Health Conditions

Certain health conditions, such as autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and hormonal imbalances, can contribute to nervous system dysregulation.

In terms of nutrition, deficiencies in certain nutrients essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, like B vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and others, can also contribute to its dysregulation.

7 - Environmental Factors

Exposure to toxins in the environment, such as heavy metals, pesticides, mold, and certain chemicals, can negatively impact nervous system function. Stressors such as noise pollution or a high-stress work environment can also contribute to dysregulation.

Understanding these causes is crucial in addressing the issue and beginning the journey toward a regulated nervous system. It’s also important to note that these factors can often interact, and the cause of a dysregulated nervous system is typically multifactorial. 

Somatic Exercises: Your Tool for Nervous System Regulation 

How can we counter nervous system dysregulation and its debilitating symptoms? Enter somatic exercises - a series of movements designed to reconnect the mind and body and regulate the nervous system. 

Somatic exercises work by targeting the autonomic nervous system. These exercises encourage the nervous system to shift from a state of stress and hyperarousal (fight or flight) to a state of relaxation and balance (rest and digest). 

Somatic exercises, such as those included in the NEUROFIT App help recalibrate the nervous system, increasing resilience to stress and reducing symptoms of dysregulation. 

Other forms of somatic exercises include different breathing techniques, yoga, tai chi and body scanning techniques. These all help develop mind-body awareness, thereby reducing symptoms of dysregulation such as anxiety and overwhelming thoughts.

Next Steps

Nervous system dysregulation can significantly interfere with our quality of life. However, understanding its causes and learning to use somatic exercises for nervous system regulation can make a world of difference. 

Remember, everyone is unique – what works for one person may not work for another. With a bit of trial and error, patience, and professional guidance as needed, you will find the methods that work best for you. 

Download the NEUROFIT App and start your 6-week nervous system reset.


Healing with Somatic Exercises: Releasing Trauma and Stress


Creating an Environment of Safety for Your Nervous System