4 Somatic Exercises to Release the Stress From Your Day

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Unfortunately, there is no “turn-off” switch when it comes to stress, but we have found these 4 somatic exercises very effective in helping restore balance within the nervous system and to release stored stress from your day.

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Body shaking

Taylor Swift said it best: when it comes to stress, it’s best to just “shake it off!” Body shaking helps reduce stress by releasing pent-up energy and tension. It's a natural response to stress that helps regulate your nervous system and bring your body back to equilibrium. 

This is a quick and effective way to shift out of “work mode,” stay present for family or friends, or signal to your nervous system that it’s time to prioritize your self-care for the remainder of the day.

How to do it: Shake your body at a pace fast enough to release excess pent-up energy, noticing as the tension releases. Start with the arms, then move to the torso and legs. Continue for 2-3 minutes and repeat as feels best.

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Fast, mindful walking

Along with the numerous benefits of getting outdoors, going for a brisk, 10 minute walk is the perfect way to enhance your mood and reduce stress and anxiety from the day. This will also help clear your mind, release tension, and give way to a much more productive evening.

How to do it: Walk briskly while staying aware of your breath, body, and surroundings. Stay curious, and notice as the tension leaves your body.

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sacred rage

Let’s be honest, there are a number of things throughout the day that can trigger a sympathetic nervous system response. Anger is a common emotion that can come up and when you find yourself in this state, the most important thing you can do is find a way to release it. Through an exercise called “Sacred Rage,” you can do just that.

How to do it: While standing up, inhale and lift the arms above the head, raising the shoulders. On each exhale and downward motion of your arms, focus on releasing anger with powerful and intentional movements.

This exercise taps into the body's 'fight' response, allowing you to safely express and release pent-up anger. By physically moving and vocalizing, you're mimicking the natural stress release mechanisms in the body, which leaves the body feeling more calm and grounded.

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“VOO” Belly breathing

Utilizing the power of our breath is one of the quickest ways we can reduce stress and signal relaxation to the body.

When you breathe deeply into your belly, you stimulate the vagus nerve, which helps regulate your nervous system. This 'Voo' sound reverberates through your body, helping to release tension and promote relaxation.

How to do it: Get comfortable and place your hands on your belly to feel your breath. As you exhale, make a deep 'Voo' sound, like a gentle hum, and feel the vibration in your belly. Then repeat this inhaling and exhaling process.


When it comes to regulating your nervous system, the most important thing you can do is find ways to reduce the build up of allostatic load (wear and tear of stress) in your body. These are just a few examples of somatic release exercises to try out and for even more personalized recommendations to reduce the effects of stress, we recommend downloading the NEUROFIT app and starting your 6-week protocol.


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