Learn how holding peace in your life can benefit your nervous system and improve your physical health.

Loren Hogue
OCT 8, 2024

Learning to find and hold our peace can create profound benefits for the nervous system - especially as chronic stress and burnout are becoming increasingly common. Here are ten ways peace can benefit your nervous system.

1. Reduces Stress Hormones

When we cultivate peace, our body reduces the production of stress hormones like cortisol. High levels of cortisol can lead to numerous health issues, including anxiety and depression.

By creating a peaceful environment, our body naturally lowers these stress hormones, leading to a more balanced nervous system.

Practice daily meditation or mindfulness exercises.

Surround yourself with calming music or nature sounds.

2. Supports Emotional Stability

Peaceful surroundings can significantly improve emotional stability. When our environment is calm, our nervous system responds by maintaining a more balanced state, reducing emotional volatility and mood swings.

This has the effect of shifting your nervous system into the Stillness and Ventral Vagal states on the NEUROFIT Ring:

The NEUROFIT Ring shows the six possible nervous system states, and the transitions between them.

Create a calming bedtime routine to wind down each evening.

Engage in activities that promote relaxation, like reading or some gentle somatic yoga.

3. Improves Sleep Quality

A peaceful mind leads to better sleep. Quality sleep is key for nervous system recovery and overall health. When we sleep well, our body can repair itself more effectively, leading to improved nervous system function and resilience to daily stressors:

A balanced nervous system is better prepared to handle stress and challenges.

Establish a consistent sleep schedule.

Avoid screens and heavy meals before bedtime.

4. Boosts Immune Function

A peaceful nervous system supports a robust immune system. Chronic stress can weaken our immune defenses, making us more susceptible to illnesses. By fostering peace, we can enhance our body's natural ability to fight off infections.

Spend time in nature to reduce stress and boost immunity.

Practice deep breathing exercises to calm the mind and body. For example, you can try the Tonglen somatic exercise to strengthen your compassion:

Tonglen - A compassionate awareness exercise that strengthens the vagal brake.

5. Enhances Cognitive Function

Peaceful environments can improve cognitive function, including memory and concentration. When our nervous system is balanced, our brain can process information more efficiently, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

Take regular breaks during work to reset and recharge.

Engage in activities that stimulate the mind, like puzzles or reading.

6. Promotes Heart Health

Chronic stress negatively affects heart health. By embracing peace, we can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A calm nervous system directly contributes to a healthier heart.

Practicing daily gratitude can help foster a positive mindset.

Incorporate gentle physical activities like walking or tai chi

7. Reduces Inflammation

Chronic stress can cause inflammation in the body, leading to various health issues. A peaceful state helps reduce inflammation, promoting overall health and well-being.

Maintain a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods.

Stay hydrated and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

8. Supports Digestive Health

The gut and the nervous system are closely connected. Stress can lead to digestive issues like IBS and acid reflux.

By reducing stress through peaceful practices, we can improve digestive health.

To engage the Enteric Nervous System, you can also try the Belly Ball Rolling exercise:

Belly Ball Rolling - A massage that increases gut-brain awareness.

Eat mindfully and slowly to aid digestion.

Include probiotics in your diet to support gut health.

9. Increases Resilience to Stress

A peaceful nervous system is more resilient to stress. By regularly engaging in peaceful activities, we can build a stronger and more adaptable nervous system, better equipped to handle life's challenges.

Establish a daily routine that includes moments of peace and reflection.

Connect with supportive friends and family to share experiences and reduce stress.

Start your day with a three minute somatic exercise to improve nervous system resilience

> balance-exercises-app-phone

10. Improves Overall Well-being

Ultimately, peace enhances our overall well-being. A balanced nervous system leads to a happier, healthier life, free from the constant strain of chronic stress and burnout.

Prioritize self-care activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Use the NEUROFIT App to track your progress and receive personalized insights.

The NEUROFIT App's personalized coaching insights help you pinpoint what your nervous system needs most.

In my journey with NEUROFIT, I have seen firsthand how embracing peace can transform lives. Our app users report 54% less stress after just one week of using our nervous system approach. By implementing these ten ways to incorporate peace, you can experience these benefits too.

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly can I see the benefits of cultivating peace in my life?

Many people notice improvements in their stress levels and overall well-being within just a few days of incorporating peaceful practices into their routine. Consistency is key to experiencing long-term benefits.

What are some simple ways to create a peaceful environment at home?

You can create a peaceful environment by decluttering your space, using calming colors, playing soothing music, and incorporating elements of nature like plants or natural light.

Can the NEUROFIT app help me achieve a more peaceful nervous system?

Yes, the NEUROFIT app is designed to help you regulate and balance your nervous system with daily check-ins, personalized insights, and tailored somatic exercises. Our average active user reports significant reductions in stress levels within just one week.

How does peace impact physical health?

Peace positively impacts physical health by reducing stress hormones, lowering inflammation, and improving heart health. It also supports better sleep, digestion, and immune function, contributing to overall physical well-being.

By integrating these peaceful practices into your daily life, you can significantly benefit your nervous system and overall health. Remember, peace is not just a state of mind but a way of living that can transform your life for the better.

Balance Your Nervous System In Three Minutes Or Less -Prevention Magazine
The NEUROFIT App is a SHAPE Magazine Groundbreaking Recovery Innovation.
NEUROFIT eased my stress in ways meditation never has -Well and Good
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About The Author
Loren Hogue
Loren is a co-founder of NEUROFIT, and a Master Somatics + Business Coach with a decade of experience coaching thousands of clients worldwide.
After facing years of chronic stress, burnout, and nervous system dysregulation after a loss in her family, she launched NEUROFIT as a fast, effective and accessible solution to these challenges.
Today, the NEUROFIT app is used by 2,000+ leading doctors, therapists, and health coaches, reaching 60,000+ users in 80+ countries.
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