Learn how balancing your nervous system can unlock peak performance and improve well-being.

Andrew Hogue
OCT 8, 2024

In the peak performance space there is a lot of focus on on mental acuity, physical endurance, and mindset. But one crucial factor that is so often overlooked is nervous system regulation.

Here's why understanding and balancing your nervous system can be the key to unlocking your highest potential.

What is Nervous System Regulation?

Nervous system regulation involves balancing the autonomic nervous system, which includes the sympathetic - fight or flight - and parasympathetic - rest and digest - branches.

Our best performance comes when we are in regulated states on the NEUROFIT Ring:

The NEUROFIT Ring shows the six possible nervous system states, and the transitions between them.

And well-regulated nervous system not only allows for smooth transitions between these states, but can also handle more stress without becoming imbalanced, ensuring you perform your best in high-pressure moments:

A balanced nervous system is better prepared to handle stress and challenges.

Signs of a Dysregulated Nervous System

Identifying the signs of a dysregulated nervous system is the first step towards achieving peak performance. Common indicators include:

Chronic stress and anxiety

Persistent fatigue

Difficulty concentrating or frequent brain fog

Sleep issues

Mood swings and irritability

Physical symptoms like headaches or muscle tension

Causes of Nervous System Dysregulation

Understanding the causes helps in addressing the root of the problem. Several factors can disrupt the nervous system, including:

Prolonged stress

Traumatic events

Poor sleep hygiene

Unhealthy diet

Lack of physical activity

Long-term emotional strain

Practical Ways to Regulate Your Nervous System

The good news? Balancing your nervous system isn't complicated. Here are some simple practical steps you can take immediately:

1. Morning Check-Ins

Start your day with a quick check-in to gauge your current state. This can be as simple as taking a few moments to breathe deeply and assess how you feel. The NEUROFIT app offers a daily check-in feature that helps you identify where you sit on the NEUROFIT ring across key life aspects like love, relationships, and career.

The NEUROFIT App's check-in feature lets you strengthen your mind-body connection, measure growth, and get personalized coaching insights.

2. Measure Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

HRV is a reliable marker for nervous system health. According to Harvard Health, HRV provides insights into the autonomic nervous system's balance and resilience.

Using tools like NEUROFIT, you can measure your HRV with just your phone camera - no wearable needed. This data helps you track your progress and recovery levels, and make data-driven decisions about what's working best for you.

The NEUROFIT App's camera-based HRV tech lets you measure your Heart Rate, HRV and more without needing a wearable.

3. Balance with Somatic Exercises

Use these short, effective somatic exercises into your daily routine to minimize the time you spend feeling irritated, shutdown or overwhelmed. For example:

Body Tapping: Increases bodily awareness and reduces stress.

Body Tapping - Body tapping with balled fists to bring oneself back into the body.

Sacred Rage: Helps release trapped emotions and energy.

Sacred Rage - An exercise designed to release excess anger from the body.

Eye Press Breathing: Aids in relaxation and calming the nervous system.

Eye Press Breathing - A slower paced breathing technique to calm the nervous system.

4. Prioritize Play and Stillness

Balance high-energy activities with periods of stillness. Engaging in social play, like team sports or group hikes, can enhance creativity and emotional balance.

Meanwhile, practices like meditation or Tai Chi promote relaxation and resistance to stress, anchoring you into the Stillness state.

5. Maintain a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Quality sleep is fundamental for nervous system balance. Create a routine that includes winding down activities like reading or taking a bath.

Avoid eating close to bedtime, and minimize exposure to blue light from screens.

Real-Life Application

Before founding NEUROFIT, both Loren and I lived through many years of challenges with chronic stress and trauma.

My journey involved dealing with Complex PTSD, which led me to research and experiment with the best way to re-balance my nervous system.

Loren's experience with grief after her father's passing highlighted the importance of nervous system regulation in her path to healing.

Our personal journeys and the data we've collected through NEUROFIT underscore the effectiveness of nervous system regulation in reducing stress and enhancing overall well-being.

For example, our average active app users reports 54% less stress after just one week of daily check-ins and exercises. This aligns with findings from PubMed that nervous system balance can significantly improve overall health.

Why Nervous System Regulation Matters for Peak Performance

A well-regulated nervous system enhances every aspect of your life, from mental clarity and emotional stability to physical health.

By managing your stress responses and training your nervous system for greater balance, you can achieve peak performance in your personal and professional life, even in the most challenging moments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to start regulating my nervous system?

Begin with daily check-ins to assess your current state, maintain daily habits like exercise, stillness and social play, and use simple exercises like Body Tapping or Eye Press Breathing. Tools like the NEUROFIT app can guide you through this process.

How quickly can I expect to see results?

Many users report noticeable improvements within one week of consistent practice. Our data shows a 54% reduction in stress among active NEUROFIT members after just seven days.

Can nervous system regulation help with sleep issues?

Absolutely. Practices like maintaining a consistent bedtime routine and adding stillness exercises can significantly improve sleep quality.

Is it necessary to use an app to regulate my nervous system?

While not required, apps like NEUROFIT provide valuable tools and data to help you track your progress and tailor your approach to your specific needs.

By prioritizing nervous system regulation, you pave the way for sustained peak performance, and a more balanced, fulfilling life.

Balance Your Nervous System In Three Minutes Or Less -Prevention Magazine
The NEUROFIT App is a SHAPE Magazine Groundbreaking Recovery Innovation.
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About The Author
Andrew Hogue
Andrew is a co-founder of NEUROFIT, and a Caltech graduate with 10 years of tech + product experience at NASA, Snapchat, Headspace, Yale, and his own wellness products used by millions worldwide.
After facing two decades of chronic stress, burnout and C-PSTD, he launched NEUROFIT to provide an effective, data-driven, and accessible solution to these challenges.
Today, the NEUROFIT app is used by 2,000+ leading doctors, therapists, and health coaches, reaching 60,000+ users in 80+ countries.
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