Learn about the Ventral Vagal state, its benefits, and practical tips to maintain nervous system balance.

Andrew Hogue
OCT 8, 2024

The Basics of the Ventral Vagal State

The Ventral Vagal state is part of the Polyvagal Theory, initially developed by Dr. Stephen Porges.

This theory highlights three primary states of the autonomic nervous system: the Ventral Vagal, Sympathetic, and Dorsal Vagal states.

Ventral Vagal State: Linked to feelings of safety, calmness, and social engagement.

Sympathetic State: Associated with the fight-or-flight response.

Dorsal Vagal State: Related to the freeze or shutdown response.

Ventral Vagal is a balanced nervous system state that sits at the top of the NEUROFIT Ring:

The NEUROFIT Ring shows the six possible nervous system states, and the transitions between them.

What Does the Ventral Vagal State Feel Like?

The Ventral Vagal nervous system state is associated with feelings of safety, compassion and social engagement - and it plays a central role in how we experience life and interact with others.

When in the Ventral Vagal state, you may notice the following signs:

A sense of calm and relaxation.

Feeling socially connected and engaged.

Improved digestion and reduced gut issues.

Increased ability to engage in deep, meaningful conversations.

Better emotional regulation and resilience.

Practical Examples of the Ventral Vagal State

Imagine catching up with a close friend over a cup of coffee. You're relaxed, engaged in the conversation, and feel a sense of ease.

Another example could be playing with a new puppy, feeling a strong bond and joy.

Causes of Dysregulation

Several factors can disrupt the Ventral Vagal state, pushing you into a Sympathetic or Dorsal Vagal state:

Traumatic experiences. Trauma can significantly impact the nervous system, pushing it into dysregulated states.

Poor diet or lack of exercise. A balanced diet and regular exercise are key for maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Insufficient sleep or irregular sleep patterns.

Chronic stress from work or personal life - this can build up in the body over time, affecting our physiology.

Chronic stress builds up in the nervous system, leading to mental and physical health challenges.

Ways to Access and Maintain the Ventral Vagal State

Here are some practical tips to help you access and maintain the Ventral Vagal state:

Daily Habits

Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activities that you enjoy, whether it's a morning jog, yoga, or a dance class.

Mindful Eating: Focus on a balanced diet rich in nutrients that support nervous system health.

Quality Sleep: Establish a consistent sleep routine, aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

Social Engagement

Build Connections: Spend time with friends and loved ones. Social interactions are key for anchoring into the Ventral Vagal state.

Play and Laughter: Engage in activities that make you laugh and feel joyful. This could be playing games, watching comedy, or simply sharing a joke with a friend.

Relaxation Techniques

Meditation: Practice mindfulness or meditation to help calm your mind and body.

Breathwork: Deep breathing exercises can activate the Ventral Vagal state.

Try a few minutes of Box Breathing: inhaling deeply for four counts, holding for four, exhaling for four, and holding for four.

Box Breathing - A partially suspended breathing technique to calm the nervous system.

Somatic Exercises

Body Tapping is a great way to access Ventral Vagal from the Dorsal Vagal shutdown state:

Body Tapping - Body tapping with balled fists to bring oneself back into the body.

The Cannon exercise is a great way to shift back into Ventral Vagal from the Sympathetic fight-or-flight state:

Cannon - Powerful exhales and contractions to release excess energy.


At NEUROFIT, we've observed remarkable improvements in our clients' well-being by focusing on nervous system regulation techniques.

For example, our app users who prioritize just 10 minutes of daily stillness report 27% more balanced check-ins and 5% higher HRV.

Personal Experiences

From personal experience, both Loren and I have seen how vital tapping into the Ventral Vagal state is. Loren's journey through grief and chronic stress highlighted the importance of social connection and relaxation techniques. For me, growing up in a neurodiverse household taught me the significance of calm and safe environments on overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Ventral Vagal nervous system state?

The Ventral Vagal state is a balanced nervous system state associated with feelings of safety, calmness, compassion and social engagement.

How can I tell if I am in the Ventral Vagal state?

Signs include a sense of calm, improved digestion, social engagement, joy, compassion, laughter, and better emotional regulation. You'll likely feel relaxed and connected during social interactions.

What disrupts the Ventral Vagal state?

Factors such as chronic stress, traumatic experiences, poor diet, and insufficient sleep can disrupt the Ventral Vagal state, pushing you into a Sympathetic or Dorsal Vagal state.

How does NEUROFIT help with accessing the Ventral Vagal state?

NEUROFIT offers a personalized somatic exercise library and daily habits designed to help regulate the nervous system and anchor into Ventral Vagal. Our app users report significant improvements in stress levels and overall well-being by adding these practices to their routines.

As our community has found, accessing and maintaining the Ventral Vagal state can be life-changing. By adding regular exercise, mindful eating, quality sleep, and social engagement to your routine, you can greatly improve your overall well-being.

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About The Author
Andrew Hogue
Andrew is a co-founder of NEUROFIT, and a Caltech graduate with 10 years of tech + product experience at NASA, Snapchat, Headspace, Yale, and his own wellness products used by millions worldwide.
After facing two decades of chronic stress, burnout and C-PSTD, he launched NEUROFIT to provide an effective, data-driven, and accessible solution to these challenges.
Today, the NEUROFIT app is used by 2,000+ leading doctors, therapists, and health coaches, reaching 60,000+ users in 80+ countries.
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