The social nervous system is the system of nerves & neurons that support social & emotional interactions.

JUL 26, 2024
The Social Nervous System
The social nervous system is the system of nerves and neurons that allow us to interact with others. It is responsible for our ability to communicate and to understand the emotions of others. The social nervous system is also responsible for our ability to regulate our emotions in the presence of others.
Co-regulation is the process by which we regulate our emotions in response to the emotions of others. When we see someone who is happy, we tend to feel happy ourselves. When we see someone who is angry, we tend to feel angry ourselves. This is because the social nervous system allows us to understand and share the emotions of others.
Mirror Neurons
Mirror neurons are a type of neuron that is responsible for our ability to understand and share the emotions of others. Mirror neurons fire when we see someone else performing an action, such as reaching for a glass of water. They also fire when we hear someone else performing an action, such as clapping their hands. Mirror neurons allow us to understand the emotions of others by simulating the actions and emotions that we see in others.
Mirror neurons are an important part of the social nervous system. They allow us to understand and share the emotions of others. Mirror neurons also allow us to regulate our own emotions. When we see someone who is angry, we tend to feel angry ourselves. This is because mirror neurons allow us to understand and share the emotions of others.
Balancing The Nervous System With Co-Regulation
Co-regulation is important when re-balancing the nervous system because the Social Nervous System is primarily activated in this way when we are in the presence of others. Many healing modalities often fall short by failing to address this, and group therapy is often noticeably more effective for the same reason. We are fundamentally social beings, and the nervous system is designed to be regulated by the presence of others as much as by ourselves.
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About The Author
Andrew is Co-CEO at NEUROFIT, and a Caltech graduate with 10 years of tech + product experience touching millions of lives at NASA, Snapchat, Headspace, Yale's Center For Emotional Intelligence, and his own wellness startups.
After facing two decades of chronic stress, burnout and C-PSTD, he launched NEUROFIT to provide an effective, data-driven, and accessible solution to these challenges.
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